The Key to Finding your Dream Job

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How Do You Determine What Your Dream Job Is?

The key to finding your dream job is knowing what you want. We all have ideas about the dream job we would like, but have you considered exactly what each job description entails, and how it suits you? No matter what it is that you are looking for in your life, the first step is to get really specific about what you want. It’s not uncommon for people to spend more time on social media and internet dating websites than they do searching for their dream job. Do not underestimate the importance of your next career move. It could be the answer to everything you hope to accomplish in your life.

Five Essential Factors to Consider in your Dream Job Search:

1. How much Time does your Dream Job require?

How much time do you want to invest in working? Do you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur? Many individuals dream of being self-employed without considering the number of hours they will need to invest to be successful. There are a lot of behind-the-scenes tasks that are required to keep any business going, but when you work for yourself, you are not always compensated for the time you put into those basic work chores. Being self-employed is a great goal to work towards if you are a self-driven, highly motivated, and organized individual, but it is not ideal for everyone.

Perhaps you have small children at home or other obligations that make traditional work hours difficult to commit to. In that case, your dream job, at least for now, might be part-time, or with flexible work hours. Working from home has become a popular career option, but it comes with its own set of challenges as well. Interruptions from housemates and the distraction of other important household chores can make it difficult to focus and be productive.

So the first step to determine what your dream job is to get really specific about how much time you have and are willing to invest.

2. Where is your dream job located?

Where do you live? Are you willing to move? How far are you willing to commute? Do you have access to reliable transportation? These questions are just the basics of determining the location of your dream job. If you have always dreamed of being a farmer but live in the heart of Manhattan, you might need to reconsider what other life choices you need to make to achieve your career goals. Or you need to re-evaluate what you think your dream job really is. The inverse applies as well. Everyone knows that the cost of living is higher in metropolitan areas, but if your dream is to work in the entertainment industry, you will need to be willing to pay the price.

3. Does your dream job include education?

There is less of an emphasis on a college degree in today’s occupational climate, but some fields still require you to have certain credentials to apply for the job. Is your dream job going to require you to further your education, and is that something you are able to accomplish? Not everyone is in a position to go to college or get formal training at a vocational school, but if it is the only thing standing between you and your career goals, then you should really consider the possibility.

There are extra benefits to furthering your education as well. The diploma, certificate, or degree is a signal to employers that you have learned the required information or skills, but more so, education can aid in your personal development and self-esteem. Whenever it is possible, more education is always a positive for you as an individual and for the company you end up working for.

4. What is your desired Salary?

Ah. The big money dilemma. We all need it, but how much do we really need? Create a budget for yourself. It is as simple as writing all of your monthly, quarterly, and annual expenses down. Start with the big stuff, like your rent or mortgage. Then your utility bills, car payment, insurances, gasoline, maintenance fees, groceries, and clothing expenses. Go into detail. Include miscellaneous expenses such as movie tickets and emergencies. Do you have pets or children? Hobbies? It all adds up. Once you have a solid idea of how much money you spend on average every month, you know how much money you need to earn.

Is your dream job a career that pays you significantly over your cost of living expenses? If you are the sole earner in your household, and you want to earn enough to contribute to a savings account as well as afford your lifestyle, then you might want to search for the highest paying jobs in 2019. Keep in mind that your time, location, and educational level will also be contributing factors to the kinds of jobs you will be able to obtain.

5. What is your Passion?

Passion should not necessarily be the last thing to consider when determining your dream job. In fact, your passions may be the first thing you want to discover about yourself. Whereas time, location, and educational level serve as restraints to achieving your dream job, your passions make the career possibilities endless.

Determining your passions can be a confusing endeavor. But career aptitude quizzes can help you realize your workplace personality and strengths. Are you good with people? Is math your strong suit? What about the ‘vert spectrum? Are you an introvert or extrovert? Learning more about yourself will help you find a dream job that you are passionate about.

Another question to ask yourself is what would you do if you had zero limitations or restraints? What would you do with your time if location, education, and money, was not a factor? If you can answer that, you’re another step closer to determining your dream job.

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