How to Write a Fantastic Resume

How to Write a Fantastic Resume

Your resume conveys all your personal details in the best possible way. Being a marketing document, you ought to sell your skills, qualifications, experience, and abilities to the employers. They are going to be looking for a fantastic resume. The universal format of a resume entails the personal details, education and qualification, work experience, interests and achievements, skills and references. Writing a successful resume doesn’t, however, imply that you must follow this rule or general format. Each resume should be a unique marketing communication that is appropriate to the specific situation and convey the targeted objective. Resume writing is not an easy task and this explains the many resume writing services which can cost you up to $2000. With these tips, you’ll be able to do it yourself and land that dream job you’ve been dreaming about.

Sell yourself

On average, a recruiter spends an average of six seconds through every resume and this is the time it takes for him or her to decide on whether shortlisting you or not. This, therefore, means that your resume should be visually appealing and well organized. Highlight your strengths and the most important areas. Advertise yourself by not only telling the employer what you’ve done or accomplished but by also the specific and direct benefits that the employer will get or what you’ll add to the organization. A good example is the successful Coca Cola advert which doesn’t tell the viewer about the product itself but instead on how the consumer will feel.


Conduct thorough research on the employer’s website and follow them on their social media sites. This can be their accomplishments, work ethics, environment, and needs as well. Equipped with this information, you can tailor the specific needs in your resume and increase your chances of getting hired. Knowing their specific needs beforehand you’ll be able to customize the resume accordingly to show that you have at least 75% of the job requirements.

Tell a Story

Remember that you’re telling a story. Just like how you introduce yourself to a person you just met, your resume should present all your information cohesively and help the recruiter understand your background, skills, capabilities, education and your work experience that have led you to where you are now. Do not “hard sell” by making claims that aren’t true or exaggerating your capabilities. Employers are looking for impressive and credible resumes so make it a balancing act.

Career Change Tips

Career change has become the modern norm of working, and sooner than later, you’ll find yourself writing several different resumes to fit into specific roles. It is not easy especially when it’s your first time. The easiest way is to play up with transferable skills since most different fields often have similar requirements. Such possibilities include; time management, strong decision-making, collaboration, innovative problem-solving, persuasive communication and project management among others. Speak also about your motivation for a career change.

Social Media

Another important tip is to include your social media sites especially LinkedIn and your abilities need to match your social sites. In most cases, employers go through your social media before deciding whether to hire you. It is therefore important to maintain your social media sites clean and professional always to increase your chances. With these tips, you’re sure to draft a fantastic resume for your dream job.

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