Networking Job Strategies for Job Seekers

Networking Job Strategies for Job Seekers in 2017

There are several ways in which a job seeker can to land a job. With the improving technology and internet usage, the internet has become the most popular method. Many job seekers have overlooked the fact that networking is the most effective method of job searching. Networking is not an easy method especially to introverts who prefer to look for other alternatives. Networking requires unique strategies to succeed in landing that new job. You ought to connect with people online, at social function and job fairs to increase your chances. Below are the most important networking job strategies for job seekers.

Find the Right Places to Network

Keep me in mind that networking happens everywhere and not only in job fairs and talking to prospective recruiters. You can network when shopping at the grocery store, picking your kids from school, enjoying a football match or walking your dog. Ensure that you search for your industry-specific social events, meetings, support groups, social events and lectures to increase your chances. Research shows that most of the jobs filled are never listed or posted anywhere.

Prepare in Advance

It always pays to prepare before diving in the networking wagon. If you’re an extrovert, it can be easy for you and all that you must do is to compile what you must offer and work on your core strengths. For introverts, it can be a daunting task and you’ll be required to prepare to gain that confidence. You can set a numerical objective of the number of people you’ll connect with. You can get the list of the attendees and research about them to make it much easier.

Work the Room

Know the kind of event taking place in advance so that you can know how to conduct yourself in the venue. Differentiate between the social events, job fairs and specific conferences so that you can groom appropriately and know what to take with you. Never forget your resumes but do not cover the room with them. Keep in mind that it’s not a must you land that job but ensure to take important contacts in your field of expertise.

Get a Partner

With a wing-man by your side, you’ll be more confident in the process. This can be a friend, coworker of a relative who’s also in the same boat as you. Attend these events together as it will be more effective together than alone. Ensure that you also create a digital brand such as a digital resume that you can refer people to online to get more information about you.

Always keep in mind that networking is a two-way street. You help someone today and they’ll help you later. Ensure that you always add more value than you extract. It’s not about getting the job that day or next week. With these networking job strategies for job seekers you’ll be good to go.

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