How To Use Social Media To Find a Job

Learn how your social media can lead to your next job

How To Use Social Media To Find a Job

Social media can be a big part of your job search strategy. Most employers and recruitment agencies today are using social media platforms to find the right candidates. Social network sites have become an essential forum to advertise your skills. It also allows you to establish your social brand, network with people online, and identify job opportunities.  This, in turn, can help you find real-life job opportunities.

It is also seen by recruiters who have paid for access to the candidate database of a recruitment website. So, by using social media sites in your job search you can increase the visibility of your professional profile to a wider world. It puts your skills and experience into the public domain and provides opportunities to network online with professionals from all kinds of different employment sectors.

Here are some of the benefits of using social media on your job search;


  1. You can easily and quickly apply for roles.
  2. Your professional profile is more visible to recruiters who use social media to advertise their jobs.
  3. A direct line of communication to recruiters, employers, head-hunters and prospective employers.
  4. You can build your network and engage a wider audience across multiple social channels.
  5. The ability to create positive PR for yourself with testimonials, endorsements, and presentations of your work.

The most widely used social media platforms –


LinkedIn is a very valuable tool in your job search as businesses, recruiters and head-hunters will use LinkedIn to search for candidates for particular jobs and then approach them directly. Having an up-to-date LinkedIn profile goes a long way if you actively job searching. A LinkedIn profile is pretty similar to writing an online resumé.

However, the digital technology aspects of LinkedIn offers other useful features including endorsements. Companies often use positive feedback from customers to persuade other potential buyers. You can include personal testimonials on your profile so you can ask people you know to write a few positive words about your work capabilities on your page. This will come a long way as an indication of credibility and authenticity. Having a LinkedIn profile today is important especially if you aspire to be in a professional role. The lack of raises suspicion among recruiters since they might assume that you are either technologically outdated or you have got something to hide.


Twitter is a fairly important social platform where businesses use to promote their services and expertise to entice people to visit their website. Be professional when using Twitter during your job search. Twitter is a very informal medium but if you are trying to attract the attention of recruiters and others in your field, then you must represent yourself in an attractive and professional light. All you need to do is follow companies or topics of interest and retweet instead of tweeting yourself. Your profile should include a professional looking photo, an appropriate bio, and link to your resume.

Facebook and Instagram

Many companies use these social networks to communicate with staff, customers and the wider public sometimes to get their comments and views.  Some companies also use these social platforms to recruit and vet candidates. Here boundaries between personal and professional can be blurred so make sure that you are always aware of what information about you.

A word of warning though! While social networking sites present wonderful opportunities for recruitment, it can also negatively affect you. Be careful about what you post. You don’t want to offend anyone or send out the wrong message.  If you’re using social media to find a job, you need to make sure that you have removed anything negative and present yourself well.

Lastly, here are some very essential tips that will help you in your job searching quest on social media platforms;

Do Your Research

Research is essential for your job search. It allows you to target the right companies in the right way. This can be the difference between success and failure.

Create Your Own Strategy

The strategy should fit your research. Create a social strategy that helps you target the most suitable people in the most appropriate way. By doing so, you not only save time but also get the results you are looking for. Have a clear message about what you want to say, how you want to introduce yourself, and a resume ready.

Embrace Tools

Social management tools are not just for social media and marketing professionals. There are plenty of free tools available to make it easy to find job opportunities. You can also follow hashtags  #jobs #careers

Test Things Out

Just like social media itself, how to use social media to find a job is a strategy that must be tested. Instead of missing out on opportunities test different approaches to get better results.

Build Relationships

Use social media to create teasers leading back to you and your resume. Creating and nurturing genuine relationships is the best way to use social media to find a job. Social channels like LinkedIn can bring you the attention of senior staff who otherwise might not be involved in recruitment. But you never know who someone can put you in touch with.

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